For every member of the US Congress, this website provides transcripts of speeches and statements, interest group ratings, and voting records by subject. It seeks to provide free, factual, unbiased information on candidates and elected officials.
Use to access the Congressional Record Bound Edition (1789 - present), Committee Prints and Publications (2014-2017), and CRS Reports (2014-2017).
Also available is ProQuest's Congress in Context which contains congressional profiles that give historical context to each Congressional term (party divisions, leadership, economic conditions, and major events).
Core database of legal materials, including cases, statutes, and regulations of the U.S. government and the various state governments; includes the legal encyclopedia American Jurisprudence 2nd and American Law Reports; case law from 1789 to present; current statutes and regulations. Documents can also be accessed through broad subject categories such as Civil Rights, International Law and Environmental Law.
Click "Advanced" to limit search to Congressional Research Service Reports (2014 - Present).
Also available is ProQuest's Congress in Context which contains congressional profiles that give historical context to each Congressional term (party divisions, leadership, economic conditions, and major events).
The only way to access full-text CRS reports from the Congressional Research Service, Congress's think tank that prepare's non-partisan reports on issues related to government work.