Organized by course code. Professor and class names are also listed. When re-shelving course reserves, please shelve in the correct course.
Books no longer have reserve stickers. They now have reserve sleeves in which the course name and course code are written in Expo marker. Professor last names may also be included. If the Expo has rubbed off, see the Course Reserve Binder for "Quick List of Titles" per course (organized by professor last name) or ask your supervisor for assistance.
When checking out Course Reserves, DO NOT desensitize book but CHECK OUT book to patron. Take patron I.D.
When checking in Course Reserves, CHECK IN book and return patron I.D.
Note : Books or items with an ORANGE sticker are also course reserves. They just don't have a laminated sleeve.
Inter Library Loan :
Location - Third shelf behind circulation.
When Checking Out ILL Items -
1. Take item from ILL shelf.
2. Check patron I.D. and ILL slip for same name.
3. Take 1 of the 2 slips out and LEAVE 1 in the item.
4. Desensitize item and hand to patron.
5. Put slip on orange clipboard, located on fourth shelf of ILL.
When Checking Out In - Library - Use - Only ILL Items -
1. Take item from ILL shelf.
2. Request patron leave I.D.
3. Hand item to patron, reminding them that the item is In - Library - Use - Only
4. Return patron I.D. when item is returned.
If the patron still needs the item, return to ILL shelf.
If patron does not need the item anymore, place item in ILL tray.
Instructions are also posted.
Holds :
Location - Fourth shelf behind circulation
Items need to be CHECKED OUT and desensitized. That's all!