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2022-2023 Big Thought Series: Nov. 17, 2022


What Do Believers Believe?

Besides being long-time professors in the Departments of Theology and Politics, respectively, Dr. Ward Holder is Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Boston Presbytery, and Dr. Dale Kuehne is the Pastor of Christ’s Church in Amherst, New Hampshire. Fr. Francis McCarty, O.S.B. is an ordained deacon and ministers to Saint Anselm students as part of the College’s Campus Ministry team.

These three ministers will share their reflections on the how and what the people they serve believe, how those beliefs help shape their lives, and the particular challenges faced by Christian believers in contemporary American culture.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

7:00 p.m.

Event Space, Roger & Francine Jean Student Center

Further Reading