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EC325 / FI325 Bubbles and Crises: A History of Financial Crises: Picking a Topic

The library has a variety of resources that you may use to help you pick a country or group of countries in financial crises that you have not discussed in-depth in class.

Discussed in class: Tulip Bubble (1636-37 Netherlands); South Sea Bubble (1720 South America and islands);  Mississippi Bubble (1720 France), Panic of 1907 (US); Great Depression (1929-33 US); Great Recession (2008-09 US).

1) Books on the history of financial crises will give you summaries or overviews of several crises, for example:

2) Academic resources (websites and scholarly journal articles) freely available through Google, for example:

3) Use NON-ACADEMIC websites with CAUTION. Use them to give you topic ideas, but don't rely on the information or sources they provide. Be sure critically evaluate the web sources you find and find additional academic sources to substantiate the information provided in these sources.