A guide to adding Zotero to Word and Google Docs.
Adding Zotero to Word and Google Docs allows you to create in-text citations and bibliographies from the sources you saved
Group Collaboration/Shared Libraries
Creating and Sharing a Shared Zotero Library
Log in to the browser version of Zotero, Zotero.org
Select Groups tab in the header
Click on Create a New Group
Choose a name for your group and select the group type
Public, Open group: anyone online can view and join
Public, closed group: anyone online can view, but needs permission to join
Private Membership: invitation required to view and join the group
Click on Create Group and select group settings
Invite group members
Go to the Group Settings page and select Member Settings
Invite members by clicking Send More Invitations, add member emails to send invites
Once your group is created, go to the Zotero desktop app
There will be a corresponding group folder in your Zotero library under Group Libraries
Same sources in the folder using the browser extension as you would normally