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Finding and Using Images: Databases with Images


Many databases at Geisel Library allow searching for images. Follow the directions below each database to limit your searches to images only. 

When you find an illustration that you want to download, right-click on it, select "Save Image/Picture As" and save the file as a JPEG.

Be sure to record all the standard bibliographic citation information for the article (author, title, publication date, etc.), so that you can cite the source of the image.

Other Databases with Digital Images

More Databases with Images

Academic Search Premier
Use to:
  locate images from popular magazines, newspapers, and scholarly journals.
To search for images:  hover over the word "More" in the blue bar at top of the screen, then select "Images" from the drop-down menu. Images are searchable by keyword; search limiters regarding image type (i.e. diagram, map, color photography) are also available. From the search results screen you will need to click on the thumbnails to view larger images and right-click on the image to download.

Birds of the World
Use to:  locate photos of different bird species, along with range maps and illustrations of their song patterns.
To search for images:  search the scientific or popular name for a particular species of bird.  In the search results, click on the "Photos, Images, and Maps" to access images associated with that bird.  Or click on the bird's name, then on the Multimedia Gallery tab to view photos.

New York Times (Historical)
Use to:  locate images that appeared in the New York Times since 1851, including advertisements, cartoons, and photographs.
To search for images:  click on the "Advanced" tab, select "More Search Options" and then select the desired document type from the drop-down menu. To download images you need to first save a PDF of the article. Next, open up the saved PDF, go to "Tools," select "Select & Zoom," and then choose the "Snapshot Tool." Use the Snapshot tool to select the image, then paste the selected image into Word or PowerPoint.

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