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WebBridge User Guide: What is WebBridge?

How to use the WebBridge service to obtain the sources you find in databases.

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What is WebBridge?

WebBridge is a program that provides links from citations in research databases to various resources where you can obtain the sources themselves. This makes it much easier to retrieve the articles and books you need for your research.

How do I use WebBridge?

When you identify an item of interest (such as a journal article or book) in a research database, click on the WebBridge button WebBridge button that appears in the search results or in the item's record.

A list of options will appear. These may include links to:

  • Full text in another database or on the Internet
  • Catalog records of books or journals owned by Geisel Library ("Geisel Library Materials")
  • An Interlibrary Loan form, which enables you to borrow items from other libraries

How do I access articles through WebBridge?

If the full text of the article is available from any of our electronic resources, the WebBridge panel will provide a link to it, and you will be able to open, read, and print the article.

If Geisel Library owns the journal in which the article appears, the WebBridge panel will link you to the journal's catalog record. Check the catalog record to confirm whether the library owns the year of the issue you need. If so, you can find the journal on the library's Lower Level.

WebBridge Panel with Full Text and Catalog Record

How do I order articles that are not available through WebBridge?

If the WebBridge panel only provides a link for Interlibrary Loan, the item probably cannot be obtained through the library's print or full-text collections.

To request the item from another library, click the Interlibrary Loan link and log in to ILLiad.  The item's citation information will automatically appear in the form; press the Submit Request button at button.

WebBridge Panel with Catalog Record and Interlibrary Loan