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Research Guides

Psychology: Find Articles

Get Full Text of Articles

In many cases, you will find the full-text of articles directly in the journal databases. Here are some tips for how to get the full-text in other situations:

  • In the databases, click WebBridge button to see if the full text is in another database or in Geisel Library's collection, or if you can request a copy via Interlibrary Loan
  • If WebBridge says the journal is in the library's collection, see our video tutorial for how to find it on the shelf
  • If you have an article's citation information in hand, search the journal's name in Journal Finder to see if the library has access to the year you need

Core Databases

Additional Databases

Using Handbooks in Research

Written by researchers and scholars, handbooks are an excellent sources to use to quickly learn the most important research literature on any given topic within the field of psychology. 

We own nearly 300 psychological handbooks both in print (in the library) and ebook (online) formats. 

Types of Scholarly Articles

There are the three major types of scholarly journal articles that you will find when searching Psychology databases:

  • Reports of empirical studies are articles summarizing original research. You will be required to consult empirical studies and include them in your literature review.
  • Review articles are further examinations of research that has already been published.
  • Theoretical articles are written to advance theory and they may include both empirical research and review of research in order to reinforce the theoretical position.


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Google Scholar

Use Google Scholar to search for articles that may not be in the library's databases. Google Scholar searches nearly all publisher websites. 

Note: If you find yourself being prompted to purchase an article, instead request the article through Interlibrary Loan (see instructions from the "Get Full Text of Articles" page.

Google Scholar Search

Journal Finder

Use the Journal Finder search box when you know exactly what you're trying to find. E.g. you have a citation from a bibliography and want to know if the library has access to the article. Use this box to search by the journal title. 

Note: If the journal title is abbreviated in the citation, you'll need to find the full title to type into the search box.

Search for Journals