Up-to-the-minute and historical market data on stocks, bonds, currencies, and mutual funds in the US and world exchanges.
Access restricted to Saint Anselm College community. Contact the Economics and Business department.
United States
Condition of Education
Ref L112 .N377 (print version)
An annual U.S. government report with statistics covering all aspects of education from preschool through college, including data on student performance and school environments.
Digest of Education Statistics
Ref L111 .D536 (print version)
An annual U.S. statistical publication with data on teachers, enrollments, graduates, educational attainment, and finances, among other topics.
National Center for Education Statistics
This agency provides the State Profiles (for quick statistics on individual states), the Nation's Report Card (evaluating student performance nationwide), and the IPEDS database of college-level data on enrollment, graduation, tuition, etc.
U.S. Census Bureau
Follow the topical links for data from the annual Current Population Survey on educational attainment, school cost, and school enrollment.
OECD Education at a Glance
Click on Statistics to access the OECD's Online Educational Database, along with publications such as Education at a Glance, with data on educational attainment, education spending, and teachers by country.
UNESCO Data Center
Find statistical profiles of education, literacy, and communication in specific regions and countries, view premade cross-country comparison tables, or generate your own tables.
United States
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
This agency produces data on health care cost, quality, and utilization, plus an important report on health care disparities by race, income, and geographic region.
CDC Wonder
One-stop access to the Center for Disease Control's statistical resources. Use the Topics tab to find data on such issues as cancer, AIDS, occupational safety, and infant mortality.
Health, United States
Government Documents HE 20.7042/6: (print version)
An annual government publication of statistics on US health and health care, including fertility and mortality, health conditions, health spending, and incidence of risk factors.
National Center for Health Statistics
This branch of the CDC gathers and publishes a wide range of health statistics. Check their FastStats page for basic data by topic and links to more detailed statistics.
Health Stats (World Bank)
Use the Data Query system to select the countries, years, and health variables of interest in order to produce downloadable data tables.
World Health Organization
The WHO produces health statistics on countries in a variety of formats, including the annual World Health Statistics and their powerful Global Health Observatory database.
United States
Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life
Find research about public opinion on cultural issues and religious beliefs, plus demographic statistics about believers and church affiliation. See their U.S. Religious Landscape Survey for a wide range of statistics.
Adherents.com (archived)
A variety of statistics about the number of believers in all religious traditions in the U.S. and the world as a whole, with lists by country and denomination.
Association of Religion Data Archives
This organization's website includes archives of public opinion polls, statistical profiles of U.S. denominations, and national religious profiles for every country.
United States
This US government website contains the annual publication America's Children, with statistics that portray the well-being of children from a variety of perspectives.
KIDS COUNT Data Center
An excellent website for obtaining state-level statistical comparisons of the well-being of children in the United States. Topics include education, poverty, and health.
Mapping the Measure of America
This interactive tool from the Human Development Project enables you to create maps of various health, education, and income indicators at the state or Congressional District level.
UNICEF Data Warehouse Page
Use the Customized Statistical Tables feature to generate tables of country-level data on a variety of social and economic indicators. Also try their ChildInfo website for statistics on women and children, organized by topic.
UN Millennium Development Goals Indicators
This website provides data on how well developing countries are progressing in areas such as poverty, hunger, gender equality, child mortality, AIDS, and environmental protection.
United States
Energy Information Administration
This branch of the US Department of Energy produces statistics on energy usage, supply, prices, and alternative energy sources.
Environmental Protection Agency
Many of the EPA's publications contain statistics on the environment. Also see their Envirofacts database for data by topic like Air and Waste.
Country Profiles (EIA)
Statistics on energy production and consumption for individual countries.
International Energy Agency
Use the Statistics tab to find data by country or energy source. See their "Key World Energy Statistics" for quick access to data.
United Nations Environment Programme
Find statistics in their annual UNEP Year Book. Also see the Environmental Indicator data from the UN's Statistical Division.
United States
Congressional Votes Database
Sponsored by the Washington Post, this database provides voting records, financial disclosure statements, and related statistics for every member of Congress.
Guide to U.S. Elections
In addition to essays about U.S. elections, this resource offers primary and general election returns for the presidency, House, Senate, and state governorships from the past 100 years (and in some cases longer).
iPOLL (Roper Center)
This database contains several hundred thousand questions and results from polls administered in the United States from 1935 to the present, by a wide variety of organizations.
This resource presents data on campaign contributions, personal finances, and outside spending for individual candidates for U.S. office.
U.S. Census: Voting and Registration
This website provides detailed breakdowns of voting and registration by sex, age, race, state, and other dimensions, from the mid-1960s through the present.
Vital Statistics on American Politics
Ref JK274 .V582
This almanac includes data tables on issues such as political action committees, party preference, public opinion survey results, the media, legislators, and the national debt.
IFES Election Guide
Find election results from all the countries of the world from 1998 through the present. For links to other sources of international election data, visit Election Resources on the Internet.